UPM Corporate Communication Division's Fan Box

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

MERDEKA AWARD Lecture Series

UPM hosts the MERDEKA AWARD Lecture Series with invited speaker, the Merdeka Award Recipient herself, honourable Prof. Dr. Halimaton Hamdan.
With an impressive portfolio, Prof. Halimaton will delight us on her discovery, the infamous maerogel (Malaysian aerogel) that cuts the cost of producing aerogel by 80 percent which makes it affordable for commercial use.
Prof. Halimaton eschews the notion that scientists need to forsake other interest in order to be successful.
Join us in welcoming Prof. Halimaton.
Date: 17th February 2010
Time: 10 a.m
Venue: Briefing Hall, Administration Building, UPM
Let us all be inspired by this magnificent lady.